Loan Details Mortgage affordability calculator This calculator will provide a quick estimate of how much money may be borrowed. Lending Type Residential Buy To Let Are the applicants applying for a Retirement Interest Only mortgage? Yes No What is the letting type? Please select Standard Buy To Let Holiday Let Small HMO (Up to 6 occupants) Large HMO (7 or more occupants) Is this application a re-mortgage with NO additional lending? Yes No Which country will the applicants reside in after completion of this mortgage? Please select England Scotland Wales Northern Ireland Number of applicants 1 2 Is at least one applicant a first-time buyer? Please select Yes No Excluding the applicant(s), enter any additional dependent people that will be living in the property (Adults 17+, Children under 17) Adults (Over 17) Children (Under 18) Mortgage Type Repayment Interest Only Part & Part Shared ownership No Yes Borrowing Amount on Repayment Borrowing Amount on Interest Only Total Borrowing £0 Mortgage Term Years Months Agreed Purchase Price / Estimated Value Please provide the type of property you intend to mortgage Please select Terraced House Semi–detached House Detached House Terraced Bungalow Semi–detached Bungalow Detached Bungalow Converted Flat/Maisonette Purpose Built Flat/Maisonette Self Contained Studio Flat Other Please provide the Year Built (if known) for the property Please select Pre 2020 2020 Onwards Unknown Continue to Income Income Mortgage affordability calculator This calculator will provide a quick estimate of how much money may be borrowed. Buy To Let Expected monthly rental income Please provide the band you pay UK tax under, if more than 1 applicant please select the highest band applicable Please select Basic Rate Higher Rate Additional Rate Starter Rate - Scotland Basic Rate - Scotland Intermediate Rate - Scotland Higher Rate - Scotland Top Rate - Scotland Applicant 1 Employed Income Edit Self Employed Income Edit Contractor Edit Other Income Edit Please use this button to add all income types Applicant 2 Employed Income Edit Self Employed Income Edit Contractor Edit Other Income Edit Please use this button to add all income types Continue to Outgoings Calculate Results Outgoings Mortgage affordability calculator This calculator will provide a quick estimate of how much money may be borrowed. For Help to Buy lending in England or Wales, input the equity loan being obtained from the Government Applicant 1 Total Monthly Leasehold Charges (For Shared Ownership include rent and service charges. Will there be a second residential home in the background to this mortgage? Applicant 1 Yes No Applicant 2 Yes No Input any mortgage balance outstanding Please select the repayment method Please select Interest Only Repayment Please select Interest Only Repayment Input the remaining term - years Applicant 1 Years Applicant 2 Years Input the remaining term - months Applicant 1 Months Applicant 2 Months Total Balance of all Mortgages on Rental Properties Applicant 1 Applicant 2 Total Balances on Credit Cards/Store Cards Applicant 1 Applicant 2 Total Monthly Loan Payments, including Student Loans and Hire Purchase Agreements Applicant 1 Applicant 2 Monthly Maintenance Payments Applicant 1 Applicant 2 Monthly Child Care or School Fees Applicant 1 Applicant 2 Any Other Monthly Commitments Applicant 1 Applicant 2 Calculate Results Output Mortgage affordability calculator Next steps Edit Calculation New Calculation